
Start 🙋

Enter your e-mail and password to connect. If you don't have an account, choose Create account enter your e-mail, name and password. You will receive a confirmation code by e-mail.

After connectiong, you can use it freely. The option How it works shows a simple help text and the option Start leads to the main screen.

The icon ☰ at the upper right coener of the screen opens a side menu at the left that contains many of the application functions:

  • Persona data - Your photo and personal data;
  • Guardians - Registration of guardians. You can register here all animals that you have put for adoption and they will be grouped over your account, making it easy to reach anyone who wants to adopt;
  • Adoption records - Any adoptions you make as donor are registered here;
  • Adopted animals - Shows all the animals that were registered as adopted;
  • Global search - Allows you to perform general searches of animals in your area by physical characteristics;
  • Summary - Shows totals by region and situation;
  • Preferences - Application Usage Options;
  • Change password - Allows you to change your password;
  • Desativar conta - If you no longer want to use the app, you can delete your account here;