
Records 🐕 🐈

The main application screen has four tabs at the bottom. Each one accesses a specific function. The side menu remains accessible on the top right (☰) and you can go back to the previous screen by the icon at the top left (<).

As funções principais são:

  • Events - You can post events and make announcements that will be seen by all users. When publishing, the app will also send notifications to all users who have notifications enabled. Each event has a start and end date. After the end date they will no longer appear on the list. The start date must be a maximum of 90 days and the validity period must be a maximum of 15 days.
  • Rescue - Record the sighted animals as            lost and in need of rescue. Take a picture and inform            as many physical characteristics as possible. The records of            animals to be rescued are available to all who wish to assume their            guard putting them in adoption. In this case, they move to the            adoption screen under the new responsible user.
  • Lost - Record lost animals being sought. There is a search option, which will search the database for records with the same physical characteristics.
  • Adoption - Register animals for adoption. Here are            all animals placed for adoption by all guardians or protectors. They            also appear on the Guardiansscreen if you have            registered yoursef as a guardian. The adoption process can be done here,            identifying the destination home and the data of the person to adopt.

In all cases you can use the search bar at the top of the screen to filter records by email.